By 2010, an artistic process that would give another appearance to the village began. Leo, a French artist, generously started to offer her art. After living in different countries and being in contact with multiple cultures, Leo and her family arrived in Uruguay in 2008. Her work has always had to do with photography, painting and teaching, too.
She says “As
a child I lived near a station, the smell, the noises, everything seemed
familiar and it moved me a lot. I can say that I didn’t choose ’25 de Agosto’,
the place chose me”.
So Leo set up there and now she has her home and atelier opposite the station, in a place with the necessary silence to deepen her creativity. Inspired by the Uruguayan traditions and the festival of ‘La Patria Gaucha’ in Tacuarembó, she painted her first mural in the facade of her atelier.
So Leo set up there and now she has her home and atelier opposite the station, in a place with the necessary silence to deepen her creativity. Inspired by the Uruguayan traditions and the festival of ‘La Patria Gaucha’ in Tacuarembó, she painted her first mural in the facade of her atelier.
Later she developed
the idea of reproducing the pictures of her students in the murals of the village.
Leo and her apprentices have developed a process which translates into more than seventy painted murals. Each mural has its own meaning and history. The murals are the palette that identifies the village today. The atelier placed on a wagon can be visited each Sunday afternoon. ( Translated by Valentina Alanis- 5o Científico 2016)
Leo and her apprentices have developed a process which translates into more than seventy painted murals. Each mural has its own meaning and history. The murals are the palette that identifies the village today. The atelier placed on a wagon can be visited each Sunday afternoon. ( Translated by Valentina Alanis- 5o Científico 2016)
En este entorno, en 2010, se inició un proceso artístico que daría otra fisonomía a la villa.
Leo, artista plástica francesa, brinda generosamente su arte.
Desde su país natal y luego de conocer y vivir paisajes culturales diversos, descubre este rincón que le atrapa, 25 de Agosto.
Ella contó: "de niña viví muy cerca de una estación, el olor, los ruidos, todo me pareció familiar y me emocionó mucho.Puedo decir que no elegí a 25 de Agosto, sino que él me eligió a mí".
Posteriormente despliega la idea de reproducir cuadros de sus alumnos en muros de la localidad.
Desde entonces Leo y sus aprendices han desarrollado un proceso que se traduce en más de 70 murales pintados.Cada mural tiene su sentido y su historia propia.Los murales son la paleta que identifica a la villa en la actualidad.El atelier ubicado en un vagón puede ser visitado cada domingo por la tarde.
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